
Imagination at the Milk Market

This morning it was both dry and sunny (for once) so we decided to finally head to the Milk Market here in Limerick. We should seriously go way more often than we do, seeing as we live about a 4 minute walk away, but for whatever reason we never make it. It's on every Saturday morning and is so vibrant and full of life (and coffee, and cheese, and did I mention coffee?). It's also, however, full - like sardines packed in a can full - of people, so try and either go reallllly early or fairy close to closing because otherwise you're just spending the morning bumping into people and losing your own peeps.

We got there kind of late this morning (we wouldn't be us if we were early - or even on time) but not too late for hot dogs! Sweeeet deliciousness these are so good. I had been craving one for about a week up to today.

We grabbed our hotdogs, ordered some coffee and sat down in the sun and for a fleeting moment I felt like I could've been in Bruges or Paris or Rome or something....hey, it'll do for now.

Just after we sat down, a little girl whose family owned the cafe decided to introduce us to her pet parrot. "Let me go get him," she said, and I was kind of thinking, "please don't bring a live parrot out here...he'll either fly away or Eli try and eat him," but, luckily for the parrot, it was a toy. A plastic toy. This kid looked me in the eye and was like, "Her name is Bellexine" - what? - "and she is REAL." Little Kid then continued to tell me the sad yet gripping tale that was Bellexine's life. "....And Cheeky Charlie and her were just friends, you see, but then things got kind of serious and then they were boyfriend and girlfriend. But lemme tell ya something. Cheeky Charlie is dead. He fell out of the upstairs window. Right onta the ground. It's been hard. Real hard for Bellexine. But it's ok. I'm gonna feed her some glitter now."

When we were leaving, Little Kid ran after me and told me that Bellexine was sad we were leaving, but put a chocolate into my hand and told me it was from Bellexine.

I'm sorry, but kids are amazing. So is chocolate. But really,'s a sad thing that we lose those powerful imaginations as we get older. Let's also all say a prayer for Cheeky Charlie. What a way to go.

I hope you guys are having a great weekend so far...let's all try and use our imagination some way or another this weekend!

Eli meeting Little Kid...and trying to escape

"Ooh what's that ya got there, that a hot dog? You got a hot dog?"

Bless that one lonely wee tear!

Eli's new favourite activity: Getting his belly scratched by Dad

"Me!? Goofy!? Never."

Coffee forever.

"I whip ma hair back'n'forth..."

Outfit deets (click the link to view):

Jeans: Penneys (I did the rips on the knees myself)
Booties: River Island - Discontinued


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