
When the Going Gets Tough...

I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I just have a day where I'm thinking, "Nope. I do not want to put any effort into anything today. I just can't. Not today." Well, today was one of those days.

Yesterday, Eli seemed super cranky and kept throwing tantrums over the oddest things. For example, he had Colm's tie on, and if it fell off, he would throw himself on to the ground and roar. Or if, God forbid, I took my legs off the couch when he was on the floor beside me, he would, again, start screaming and crying and trying to punch me in the shins.

I was convinced he was just really overtired as he didn't have as long a nap as he usually does, but this morning started at 6:30am with a screaming crying Eli in his cot, and even when I took him into our bed to calm him he just writhed around, completely losing it, and it killed me to see it. I was really worried there was something really wrong with him, but once he had some milk and cuddles with his Ted, he was fine. I had a look into his mouth and sure enough he as two new teeth just cutting through, so that was that problem solved...but I had had 4.5 hours sleep, the house was an absolute mess and the thought of being stuck inside all day made me die a little bit inside.

On days like this, I just ignore the mess, pack up the diaper bag and just go. Go anywhere. We live right next to the park, so that's my usual go to, because Eli can get some fresh air and see some real, live grass/birdies/trees/flowers (these are rare and valued sights here in Limerick city). I get some respite from a teething toddler and Eli gets some entertainment. Today we also had a wee look around Limerick City Gallery which is right next to the park, and as it turned out, free (always a plus).

Thinking of all you other mamas out there who might be having a tough day...or anyone out there who's having a tough time. Sometimes, there's not always a lot you can do, except make some tea and remind yourself that today, though it might be long, will end, and tomorrow is a fresh start. These days happen to us all. Love to all of you!

Just a hammer, reading a book.

One of the art installations...I'm not quite sure what exactly is happening here.

Ugh, Mom, just no.

My favourite at the gallery - digital drawings of microchips. You can barely see the chips but they're the itty bitty squares under each sketch.

Poor teething boo.

Two handsome men

"OOh, green!"

Outfit details:

Assymetrical wool sweater: Mango (discontinued)
Jeans: River Island
Shoes: New Balance

Hoodie: Zara
Chinos: H&M


  1. We have a lot of those days too. Currently have a cup of tea in font of me and in my comfy tracksuit bottoms that look like they should be in the bin lol. Lovely pics x

    1. Yup, I think it comes with the territory :( haha I live in trackies like that these days...thank you :)
