

Hi! I'm Aine Cronin, and I am 25 years old.

I was born in Galway, grew up in Saudi Arabia, and currently live in Co. Clare, Ireland with my husband, this handsome man:

I'm a mama to this sweet bebe, Eli Thomas. He was born April 20th, 2014, and makes me feel like the luckiest mother in the world. You can read about his birth story here.

We are currently expecting our second baby, and I'm due this September!

Bona Fide:

1. Genuine; real.
2. Made or carried out in good faith; sincere.

This blog is about our little family, our lives in general, and anything else I manage to come up with.
I am quite passionate about coffee, horror movies, running, making lists, fresh lemonade, motherhood, family, anthropology, dressing up, holidays, my faith in Jesus Christ, and always, always, truth in everything.

With that, I hope you find some truth here :)


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