
I Work Out...Sorta

I feel like the weather has been all over the place this I right!? The second it looked sunny yesterday I threw on my workout clothes to go for a run/workout in the park...of course, halfway out the door the sky turned grey and those itty bitty drops of rain started coming out of nowhere. We turned right back around to head home because I'm just not brave enough for working out with a toddler in the rain just yet.

Speaking of working out, I've been fairly hit and miss with fitness (ooh, that rhymes) since getting pregnant. Before pregnancy, I was always sure I was gonna be one of those super-duper fit'n healthy pregnant people. Baha! I was quickly humbled in that regard, being so sick the first trimester and then just generally lazy and er, hungry for the rest of my pregnancy. I remember going to the gym twice when I was pregnant. I spent most of the time taking mirror snaps of my bump, and then lifting a weight or two with a general sense of apathy. 

Thennnn when I was closer to giving birth I got super excited about 'getting my body back' and doing alllllllllll the workouts and having allllll the abs. Again, humbled. It's kind of hard to work out when you're breastfeeding, in that milk kind of gets everywhere (chest presses were just not worth it...TMI? Sorry) and you have to stop every now and again to feed le bebe. Also, you're running off like...4 hours of broken sleep a day. Wasn't happening. How do celebrities do it!? In like...6 weeks?! I just don't know. 

Then Eli hit about 6 months old, wasn't feeding during the night anymore, was eating solids, off the boob and on to formula and I was like YES. LET'S DO THIS. LET'S GET DEM ABS. This time I wasn't so much humbled as just really lazy and procrastinated working out because I was using my free time to y'know, do important and productive things like repetitively scroll through Facebook or Pinterest. So because I wasn't working out, and I didn't want to make separate dinners for the boys and myself, I just ate whatever high-calorie foods I was making for them and made my portion about 1/3 the size of Colm's, or in or around the same size as Eli's. This worked really well for losing those last few baby pounds.

Soo here's to the next few weeks of trying to get bikini-ready for the's gonna be early morning workouts in the living room and quick jogs with the stroller for this mama. The days of two-hour gym sessions are long gone for me I'm afraid...sob :(

Below are some snaps we grabbed before the wet weather really hit us...I couldn't resist Eli's wee chubby arms in that tank top. I mean really.

Tank top: Penney's (They have the best workout clothes these days)
Shorts: Nike
Tennies: Adidas

Tank: Penneys
Sweats: Zara
Socks: Penneys

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