
7 Months

Eli had his 7 month birthday last month. 7 months!! I feel like I was only just getting used to him being half a year old already. The first few months were very, very slow - and I feel like exhaustion, stress, sleep deprivation and breastfeeding sucked the life out of those early days. But these days are flying by. He's getting so big, and turning into such a little boy, and I can't make that time stop.

Having said that, I think 7 months is definitely my favorite so far. He has SUCH a little personality, he's eating his solids like a champ, sitting up, playing with toys, loving his big boy bath, and crawling around like a mad yoke. We started baby-led weaning when he was about 6 months, and it has been both hilarious and incredibly messy. I'm amazed at how quickly he developed an ability to chew, mastered his gagging reflex and just generally loves to eat! He loves his baked pears with yogurt, but I think his all time favorite has to be a spud. Can't get enough.

Unfortunately, he's also developed an absolute HATE for getting dressed. He just can't stand it - it interrupts time he could be spending crawling around and finding things to put in his mouth. All in all though, he is the happiest, most interpersonal baby I have ever encountered! I would think I'm biased (and I probably am) but almost every one we meet says the same thing which makes me one proud mama.

Thanks, Eli, for being awesome. We love you.

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