
6 Months

Today is Elijah-bear's 6 month birthday. I know it's such a cliche, but I truly can't believe how quickly time has flown. I feel like I'm barely starting to get used to motherhood and the idea of having a baby, and all of a sudden half of his babyhood is gone. As they say, the days are long, but the years are short, and that certainly seems to be the case. The days seem like they'll never end sometimes. They start at 5:30am and they finish at around 10pm. Most of the time I feel like I've only been asleep 10 minutes when I hear his little morning coos from next door. Half the time I wonder how I'll manage the chaos that is keeping a human being alive, the other half I think I'm the luckiest person in the world to have that little cherub as mine.

I love you little man.

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