
Happy (Belated) Halloween

 So, yes I know it is November, but let's be honest, I'm very rarely on top of things these days, so I'm only getting around to posting about Halloween now. Sorry! I promise all the cute pics will be worth it though!

So last year Eli was only about 7 months old for Halloween, so there was no trick-or-treating to be had. Also, he had a 6 month sleep regression for a few months and I was getting NO sleep, which meant I had no energy to do anything fun for Halloween. I think I threw him into a vampire costume for 5 mins, he puked on it, then on me, then it was bedtime. Or something like that.

This year I was determined to actually do something, so I bought his little costume in advance, had a wreath on our door, and a pumpkin on our front step. (Uncarved, because, I mean, small steps).

Wee Plum made THE cutest little pumpkin ever, if I do say so myself. My mom happened to be in town, and she decided I had to dress up too so we rooted through her suitcase and I managed to put together some kind of gypsy/fortune teller/pirate concoction. We did well. Also, my mom has weird clothes.

My friend Sarah and her little man came over to join us for the trick or treating, and the two boys running around together with their little bags of sweets was just so adorable I couldn't stop laughing. We made it to a good handful of houses, and of course at each one Eli wanted to walk straight into their house and make himself at home (that is going to be a problem in the future) and then he got tired towards the end so I had to carry him everywhere. It was a lot of fun though! Poor Eli didn't get any of his sweets unfortunately, they're very bad for his wee teeth of course, so poor mom and dad had to take one for the team and eat them all. Sorry Eli!

And with that, I will leave you with some adorable pics of the plum himself! Hope all of you had a great Halloween!

Eli decided this was a one-man photo shoot, thank you very much, and did not want me in the picture.

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