
Sunny Days

So I know I started out this blog saying I was going to do some outfit posts...but lately I realized that a) I am poor
b) I have no sense of style
and so therefore you're just going to have to put up with a lot of baby spam and posts about my life in general. Riveting, I know.

We've been trying to take full advantage of this absolutely gorgeous weather we've been having lately. Now, it's not blazing hot, but the fact that we're in Limerick and the skies are about 85% cloudless is nothing short of a miracle. Lots of picnics and lazy strolls for this little fam bam!

Eli is the BEST lately. Not that he was the WORST before, I am just loving this age he is at right now! He's learning so much so fast. He's kind of in this weird phase where he's not quite a baby anymore, but he's not a toddler as such...I call it his Boddler phase. He has the funniest personality and I love how much of a little weirdo he is.

Things he's loving lately:

- Biting fleshy parts of any person. Usually me, usually my arm.
- The toilet brush. Ugh, OF ALL THINGS SON. Don't worry, I haven't actually let him play with it, but he knows where it's hidden and he will do anything to get to it.
- Making himself toot, then laughing hysterically at said toot. Boys will be boys I guess.
- Pavarotti. Seriously. I know what you're thinking - I'm one of those pretentious mothers who makes her child listen to Mozart whilst finger-painting or something - but this one wasn't even me. Colm likes opera and put it on one day, and ever since Eli is obsessed. The best part is that he mirrors whatever face Pavarotti is making while singing.
- Peppa Pig. Always Peppa Pig.
- Pointing at everything. He learned how to do it a few days ago and won't stop pointing at everything and anything now. Usually accompanied with him saying 'Diss'.
- Being held and carried everywhere. I love when he goes through a mommy phase, even though it means I get nothing done. I know a time will come when he won't want me near him in public, so I'll take it while I can!
- The dishwasher. He can hear that thing click open from 3 rooms away, then speed-crawls to get to it, then tries to get inside it. I don't...I really don't know why.

Things he's not enjoying so much:

- Grass. He is SO WEIRD about grass. He will do anything not to have to touch it, include crawling on his elbows with his nose up in the air.
- Anyone taking keys from him. He throws an outright tantrum.
 Honestly that's kind of it. He's such a happy baby and doesn't really get bothered by too much!

And of course, here are some photos to provide you with a daily dose of cuteness!

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