
Eli Turns 1: Part 1

My bebe is 1!

It is the oddest feeling, describing his age in just the number '1' after starting out with '4 weeks, 16 weeks, 24 weeks, 6 months, 11 months' etc. Now he's...just 1. So weird. 

To celebrate, we decided to have 2 separate little events to make sure all the family could see him. To start off, we went to Dublin for two nights to see Auntie Rosie and his great granny Bibi, as well as Nana (my mom)...

So, the journey didn't start out too great what with me mixing up the train times (I am notorious for this) which meant we missed our train by 15 minutes and had to wait an hour and a half for the next one...this of course meant an hour and a half sitting around in a train station with a baby, which is never fun. Cue spending lots of money on food etc to keep him occupied. Sooo we finally got on the train and Eli slept for about an hour of the journey which was great. When he woke up he could not get enough of looking out the window as well as charming all the other passengers!

We stayed at the Phoenix Park Hotel which is right next to both the train station and the zoo which was really handy. We got up to Dublin at around 6:30pm, so it was straight to dinner at Nancy Hand's (the duck is yum by the way) and then back to the hotel where Eli left us a nice little surprise on our bed (spoiler alert: it was poo) and straight to sleep because we're wild like that. 

We went to the zoo nice and early the next day so we could get the best of the good weather, and oh my goodness it was good weather. We walked through People's Park and I felt like I was in a dream it was so gorgeous! 

The zoo was pretty much empty when we arrived which was brilliant...Eli was SO excited. He lost it when the tiger walked right up to the glass, jumping up and down in the pram and going "Ooh ooh ooh!" It just made me melt seeing him so happy and excited. He loved having his Nana, Bibi and Auntie Rolo all with him too, that kid was absolutely doted on all day!

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