
Back at It

Well, we're finally back in Ireland just over a week, and it's taken about that to get used to being here again. We left Saudi at 27 degrees, and it's currently snowing here...which I actually like! I don't mind the snow, especially if it sticks.

We loved being back in church on Sunday and getting to see everyone. Eli especially loved it (he really is the most social baby ever) and I must admit it was nice being able to drop him off at the kids' ministry while we just relaxed with a coffee and enjoyed the sermon!

It really is good to be home. I think Eli is missing his Nana and Pajj though...he had three weeks of being surrounded by people only to come home to our itty bitty apartment, with just Mom and Dad. I don't think he knows what hit him! Time is flying by way too fast these days...Christmas flew by, New Years was gone in a blink, and Eli will be 9 months this month. My brain seriously can't fathom that. Soon enough, he won't just be a baby, but a toddler...ahh!

Colm took these pics on the way to church the other morning. I have to say, I do love getting dressed up on Sundays, because to be honest having a wee bebe at home does mean I rarely get to put the the time into getting pretty these days (and if I do, there is a 99.9% chance I will end up with some sort of infant leakage on me. Graphic, but true). I got this bomber jacket and LBD at French Connection just before I found out I was pregnant, and I hate to admit it but they really only fit me (nicely) again now, 9 months post partum. Yay!

Hope everyone's New Year is getting off to a good start!

My son, the turtle

Dress and bomber jacket: french connection

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