

My goodness, how time flies.

It is quite possible that 2014 was the best, worst, scariest, craziest, happiest year of my life. In many ways, I am so relieved for it to be over…at the same time, it is with a big sigh of relief that I accept it is over.

In 2014, I became a wife to a man I sometimes feel I don’t deserve. He is good to me when I most need it (and sometimes least deserve it), he makes me laugh more than anybody I’ve ever met, and I could talk to him for hours abut anything. I think that’s one of the things I love about him most. We talk to each other like new friends even though we’re husband and wife.

In 2014, I also became a mom. A Mother. A MOTHER. That still sounds so strange to say out loud... “I’m a mother.” Wow. Weird.

Becoming a mama was easily the most turbulent transition I’ve ever undergone. And that’s what you do – you undergo it, like some sort of massive surgery. You prepare, check in to hospital, recover, adjust, and come out the other side permanently transformed. Motherhood has humbled me, educated me, and grown a love in me for my little angel baby that I did not know was possible.
I truly cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store. I have so much love for my little family and am so excited to see what adventures are in store for us.

“To face the future with another who means more than any other is to be loved.”

- The Rescuers

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